“TOMANOWOS” Short Film Cast List!

Congrats all! Production will be in touch with more details soon

ELLEN……………………Vada Mullen

RYAN…………………….John Avery

AUDREY………………..Miriam Kelly

BLAIR…………………….Sam Cline

DECAY…………………..Safi Evans

DEVAN…………………..Arden Higgins

SUPPORTING…………Zoe Anderson, Hallie Jones, Corbin Laurer, Maddie Petrjanos, Henry Scott, Anne-Sophie Lucky, Rhiannon Nesbit, Tateym Wilson   

Short Film Casting

On behalf of the creative team, we want to thank all who auditioned for being a part of the first short film only auditions! We were all impressed and enjoyed your choices. We would like to give ourselves a bit more time for decision making, and therefore, the cast list will NOT be posted tonight. We shall aim at posting the cast list tomorrow evening, and I shall email you all with an approximate time.

Thank you and stay warm,

Your Friendly (sometimes grumpy) Neighborhood Film Producer, Steve

WLHS Film Program Short Film Auditions!

Audition information for the 2025 short film,“Tomanowos.”

WHEN: Friday, February 7, 2025; 3:30pm-5pm (once you audition, you can leave)

WHERE: Black Box Studio Theatre

Please fill out the this Audition Form, then look at the following sides (you must be signed-in to school Google account to access both) and choose a character to read (Ryan, Ellen, or Audrey). You do not have to memorize the dialogue. There are some supporting roles that you may also be considered for.


We are excited to have a guest director, Phil Chan, for this project. Phil is a West Linn alum, and filmmaker. Our production team is made up of all West Linn High School students. The short film will be shot over the months of February, March, and April, and will screen during our production of SHORTS 25 on the evenings of May 14, 15, and 16. The shoot schedule will be flexible, but be sure to include all unmovable conflicts over the aforementioned months.

TOMANOWOS. The name given by local Natives to the giant meteorite they found here in West Linn ages ago. In 2025, something resurfaces.

Logline: A high school student with no regard for nature unwittingly stumbles across an alien fungus in the woods, which begins a harrowing transformation. Explores themes of environmentalism, colonialism, alienation, and identity.

Please direct any inquires to Mr. Beckingham – beckings@wlwv.k12.or.us

Presenting… the Cast of “The Servant of Two Masters”

Fantastic auditions, everyone! I was super-impressed with all the auditioners, and the additional prep work that was demonstrated by those that were called back. Really, really excellent work! Thank you all for putting yourself out there, trying hard, and showing off your best work.

SILVIO – Leo Wilson
PANTALONE – Ty Schultz-Reynolds
CLARICE – Cadence Cox
IL DOTTORE – Jack Walters
SMERALDINA – Portland Stock Cleaver
BRIGHELLA – Henry Scott
TRUFFALDINO – Taran Keppeler
BEATRICE – Lucy Lorenzen
FLORINDO – Gabe Pearson
PORTERS/WAITERS – Ace Isensee, Henry Thwaites
WAITERS – Mae Keast, Kylie Kobayashi, Sophie Vervais

Cast: we will be meeting tomorrow, Friday, January 10, in the black box at 3:20 SHARP to begin some housekeeping talk, rehearsal schedule talk, and start reading through the show! We will end at 5:30PM.

Thank you all, and see you at 3:20 in the black box!
– Jon aresj@wlwv.k12.or.us

Servant of Two Masters – CALLBACKS!

Thank you, all who auditioned today! So much great talent, and was really happy to see so many bold choices when performing these silly roles! Here is who is called back for additional reading tomorrow. IMPORTANT: If you do not see your name on this callback list, that does not mean you are not cast! PLEASE check back for the full cast list after callbacks!

To prepare, please read through the original audition materials for your character(s). You will be paired up with the necessary scene partners at the Callbacks.

Truffaldino (*please review the monologues as well)
Ace Isensee
Taran Keppeler
Ty Schultz-Reynolds

Jack Walters
Ty Schultz-Reynolds

Il Dottore
Jack Walters
Ty Schultz-Reynolds

Matthew Tence
Leo Wilson

Hallie Jones
Cadence Cox
Portland Stock Cleaver

Henry Scott
Gabe Pearson

Gabe Pearson
Henry Scott

Sophie Vervais
Hallie Jones

Lucy Lorenzen
Ty Schultz-Reynolds

IMPORTANT: If you do not see your name on this callback list, that does not mean you are not cast! PLEASE check back for the full cast list after callbacks!

We will gather together in the Black Box Studio Theatre at 3:20, to talk about the process, and perhaps do some warm-up/improv work, then you will have time to go out and rehearse with your scene partner. We will be finished no later than 6PM, but please be prepared to stay until 6PM.

Thank you, all! – Jon aresj@wlwv.k12.or.us

The Servant of Two Masters AUDITION

The Servant of Two Masters

Directed by Jon Ares  aresj@wlwv.k12.or.us 

Tealia Jud, Production Stage Manager

Performances: March 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 2025.

Performed on the WLHS PAC Mainstage.

  • Initial Auditions: Wednesday, January 8, 3:30 (Black Box)
  • Callbacks: Thursday, January 9, 3:30 (Black Box)
  • 1st Rehearsal: Friday, January 10, 3:20 (Black Box)

Rehearsals after school, M-F (to be determined) 3:20 to 6:00.

Mandatory attendance March 3-15. (Dress rehearsals and performances.)

Not everyone will be called to every rehearsal (especially at the beginning of the rehearsal period), but as we get closer to the dress rehearsals, EVERYONE will be called EVERY DAY. The rehearsal schedule will be built around your conflicts, as much as possible, so be THOROUGH and HONEST with your conflicts on your audition form.

The Servant of Two Masters is a classic Italian comedy by Carlo Goldoni. The play follows the misadventures of Truffaldino, a clever and hungry servant who, in an attempt to double his wages and meals, clandestinely takes on two masters at once. Chaos ensues as he struggles to keep their identities a secret from each other, leading to a series of comedic misunderstandings and romantic entanglements. Set in Venice, the play is a humorous exploration of love, loyalty, and the lengths one will go to in order to survive.

Audition Preparation

Print/Fill out the audition form (completely) – with attention to the Conflicts section

Audition Form

Before auditioning, please read through the following pages, to understand the different characters (and the story, of course).

For your initial audition, you will read one of the audition scripts, here (“initial audition pcs”). Most are 2-person scenes – you absolutely can pair up with a friend and audition together, or find someone at the auditions willing to read the other character with you. We will have someone available to read with you, if you choose not to pre-select a person to read with you. You do NOT need to have it memorized, but be VERY familiar with it.

For callbacks, you would perhaps be asked to read one or more of the audition scenes, but there will also be an improvisation component to the callback. You will receive direction, and get to improvise a scene with one or more people. All these characters are “larger than life” – so we ask that you really focus on the physicality of your character. Be bold!

*With the exception of the Innamorati (the lovers), all roles are gender fluid – the majority of the characters can present as male, female, or non-binary. 

The Servant of Two Masters (Italian: Il servitore di due padroni) is a comedy by the Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni written in 1746. His earliest drafts had large sections that were reserved for improvisation, but he revised it in 1789 in the version that exists today, which has been adapted many, many times over the years. The play draws on the tradition of the Italian theatre genre commedia dell’arte, and contains many of the stock characters of the genre. Please take a look at this document, for pictures and descriptions of the stock characters that are within Servant. Although we are NOT doing a strict Commedia interpretation (with leather masks, period-specific costumes, etc.), it’s a good idea to see the basis of these characters, to get a sense of the over-the-top physical characteristics of these characters.

For auditions, your focus should be on playing your character with that sense of over-the-top physical characteristics.  Make bold choices – about how you walk, how you stand, how you enter and exit a room, and even what you do when NOT speaking.

For inspiration, check out these short videos on Youtube – these pieces show comedic actors, and the broad, and subtle, physical characteristics that gives the audience a crystal-clear idea of what your character is all about.  Two of the clips are from One Man, Two Guvnors – a recent adaptation of The Servant of Two Masters, performed at the National Theatre.

Youtube videos:  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHbFXT3CDjrRo9kWP5VJ530l7EIsTOii-&si=hgQTE256DQ7y4xLd


The Servant of Two Masters

The play begins in the Venetian house of Pantalone, where a party is underway to celebrate the engagement of Clarice, daughter of Pantalone, to Silvio, son of Doctor Lombardi. As the wedding agreement is being signed, Truffaldino enters to announce the arrival of his master, Federigo Rasponi of Turin.

This news comes as an amazing surprise to all, since Federigo is believed to have been killed in a duel with Florindo, his sister Beatrice’s lover. The problem arises from the fact that Federigo had originally been promised Clarice’s hand in marriage. The truth, however, is the supposed Federigo is actually Beatrice in disguise, come from Turin to claim the dowry owed by Pantalone to her brother, if he were alive. 

To Clarice’s horror, her father feels obligated to honor his commitment to the supposed Federigo. Clarice refuses to comply, while Silvio, spurred on by his pontificating father, strives to maintain his claim to Clarice’s hand. The wedding, however, is canceled.

Brighella, the innkeeper, recognizes Beatrice, despite her disguise, but promises to keep her identity a secret and becomes her accomplice in her mission. Here Truffaldino meets the housemaid, Smeraldina, and falls in love with her. 

Later, on the street, the servant Truffaldino is approached by Florindo who, having recently escaped from Turin after killing Federigo, is seeking a servant himself. Truffaldino accepts Florindo’s offer, determining that if he is clever he can serve two masters and easily double his income. From the hotel, Florindo sends Truffaldino to check for his mail. Beatrice (disguised as Federigo), who is also at the hotel, sends him to check her mail as well. As fate would have it, Truffaldino mixes up the letters and gives Beatrice’s letters to Florindo, who as a result learns that his lover is in Venice and sets out in search of her.

Back at Pantalone’s house, Beatrice, still in disguise as Federigo, reveals her secret to the distraught Clarice. Pantalone sees the two shake hands and takes it to mean that they have agreed to wed and sets out to tell Doctor Lombardi.

Eventually, through a series of comic mishaps and mix-ups, Beatrice and Florindo come to believe that the other is dead. Beatrice, grief-stricken, abandons her disguise and flees the house. Having discovered Beatrice’s true identity, Pantalone tells Lombardi that the marriage between Silvio and Clarice is still possible since Federigo is actually a woman! Fate again intervenes and brings the suicidal Beatrice and Florindo together in a chance encounter. Overjoyed, they plan to return together to Turin and buy Florindo’s freedom.

In the end, all of the couples are set to be happily married. Florindo asks Pantalone for permission for his servant, Truffaldino, to marry Clarice’s maid, Smeraldino. Clarice says that this is impossible, because Smeraldino is promised to Beatrice’s servant. Trufaldino, in order to marry Smeraldino, confesses that he is, indeed, a servant to two masters.

Character Descriptions

Truffaldino: The servant of the play’s title, Truffaldino is content with his lot in life as a servant, and he is in love with Smeraldina. His attempts to work for two masters make him the agent of much of the play’s confusion. Pronounced “Truff-al-dee-no.”  Look at Arlecchino in this document.

Clarice: Daughter of Pantalone, Clarice was originally promised to Federigo, whom she disliked. However, he is now dead, so at the beginning of the play she is planning on marrying her true love, Silvio. Pronounced “Cla-reech-ay.”  Look at Innamorati in this document.

Silvio: The son of Dr. Lombardi, Silvio is planning on marrying Clarice; however, the wedding is disrupted by the rumor that, contrary to original reports, Clarice’s intended groom-to-be, Federigo Rasponi, is still alive. Pronounced “Sil-vee-oh.”  Look at Innamorati in this document.

Dr. Lombardi: Silvio’s father, Dr. Lombardi’s self-absorbed pontifications are a source of constant irritation to all those around him. Pronounced “Lom-bar-dee.”  Look at Il Dottore in this document.

Pantalone: Clarice’s father, Pantalone is motivated almost entirely by the acquisition of money and goods. He would have preferred that his daughter marry Federigo, whom he considered a “better catch.” Pronounced “Pant-ah-low-nay.”  Look at Pantalone in this document.

Smeraldina: Clarice’s maid, Smeraldina is strong-willed and lovely. She is also the object of Truffaldino’s affection. Pronounced “Smear-al-dee-nah.”  Look at Columbina in this document.

Beatrice: Sister of Federigo Rasponi, Beatrice comes to Venice disguised as her brother and hoping to acquire the dowry owed to Federigo by Pantalone. Pronounced “Bee-ah-treech-ay.” Her deceased brother’s name, Federigo Rasponi, is pronounced “Fed-e-ree-go Raz-poe-nee.”  Look at Innamorati in this document.

Florindo: Beatrice’s lover, Florindo is rumored to have killed Federigo in a duel in Turin. He flees to Venice to seek his beloved Beatrice. Pronounced “Flo-rin-do.”  Look at Innamorati in this document.

Brighella: Friend of the Rasponi family, Brighella is the owner of the local inn. Pronounced “Bri-gell-ah.”  Look at Brighella in this document.

2 Porters/2 Waiters: They work for Brighella at his inn, and are Zanni – physical comic/clowns like Truffaldino. Look at Other Servants/Zannis in this document.

Break Legs!!

Rodgers + Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA Opens Next Week!

Poster co-designed by Clara Alexander & Adelyn Pixton

Hear ye!  Hear ye!  West Linn High School’s Performing Arts Department cordially invites you to our fall production of Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella! This magical, romantic, and delightful musical, updated in 2013 for Broadway, features the classic songs and a story that celebrates Cinderella’s resourcefulness, her kindness, and the positive impact she has on everyone around her.  Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella will perform at 7 pm on November 8, 9, 13 & 14 and at 2 pm on November 16.  Tickets are $14 for adults and $12 for students and are available at the tickets link above and at the Box Office 45 minutes prior to each performance.

R + H Cinderella Cast List 2024

Congratulations, Cast of
Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella!

Ella…………………………………………Hanna Layton
Topher…………………………………….….Brody Olson
Marie…………………………………….Emerson Parker
Madame………………………..………..Lucia LaViolette
Gabrielle………………………………….….Grace Boyer
Charlotte………………………..……..…Rowan Sechrist
Jean-Michel………………..………………..Jack Walters
Sebastian…………………………..………Josh Caveney
Lord Pinkleton………………………………Adelyn Pixton

Luci Armstrong
Eilidh Beck
Lea Blaskower
Jori Brady
Max Chenier
Addison Gregg
Hope Forsyth
Kyla Hennessey
Reed Jordan
Miriam Kelly
Taran Keppeler
Kylie Kobayashi
Cameron Liddell
Lucy Lorenzen
Lily McCarthy
Emerson Mishkin
Anna Paschal
Gabe Pearson
Helena Vadnais
Leo Wilson

Thank you to all who auditioned. We appreciate your enormous talent and
careful preparation, and we hope to work with you in the future!

The cast will meet in the Choir Room on Monday, September 9 at 3:30 pm for our first read/sing through of the script/score! We will also discuss the rehearsal calendar and your production contract.